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Monocular Telescope Outperforms Pro Grade Telescopes that Cost Thousands of Dollars!
Amazing monocular telescope lets you shoot pro-level photos on your smartphone – at a price you can afford
It's true.
You can shoot telescopic photos on your smartphone that rival – and possibly even surpass – the quality of photos you can get with a professional DSLR camera outfit costing thousands of dollars!
Just imagine the lens on your smartphone’s camera being able to shoot with 10 TIMES HIGHER magnification than usual! You’ll be able to take amazing close-up shots of sports, birds in flight, or anything else under the sun – even the moon!
Take a close-up shot of your grandson playing high school football. Get great shots of the band at the next outdoor concert. Or take pictures of that cute guy or girl at the beach!
10x Magnification Brings the World Up Close and Personal
How many times have you witnessed a beautiful scene like a sunset, or a blood red moon… but when you take a picture with your smartphone, the moon or the sun are just a tiny, disappointing spot you can barely see in your photo?
That’s what makes the Starscope’s massive 10x Magnification Factor so great! It lets you shoot photos that capture all of the close-up details of your subject, creating a photo you’ll be proud to share with friends or post on Instagram!
What Makes Starscope the Best Monocular You Can Buy?
I’ve already told you that the Starscope Monocular can deliver optical performance that beats both professional camera lenses and telescopes. But it also has a number of features that make Starscope the ONLY choice for super-telephoto vision today!

How to Use Starscope with your Smart Phone
That’s it! That’s really all there is to it!
Here’s What Customers are Saying About Starscope

October 7, 2021
“I took a nature cruise in Canada to see polar bears in their native habitat. In every photo taken by my colleagues, the polar bears looked like tiny white dots. But thanks to Starscope I got some GREAT photos of the bears. They look like they came straight out of some glossy nature magazine!”

October 21, 2021
“I love going to sporting events, but unless you’re willing to shell out the big bucks, your seats may be so far away that you can’t see anything. That’s one of my favorite things about the Starscope – it makes me feel like I have front row seats, every time!”

October 23, 2021
“As an aspiring photographer, I always envied the super-telephoto shots taken by pro photographers, but I could never afford the super expensive DSLR lenses. Now I just take super-telephoto shots on my smart phone. The Starscope shots I get are so good, everybody thinks I spent a fortune on camera lenses!”