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The Ultimate
WiFi Booster
Fast 2.4 GHz data transfer up to 300Mbps! RangeXTD super-boosts WiFi signal range and eliminates ‘dead zones’ for the best performance.
Plug and play functionality makes RangeXTD the perfect WiFi booster for absolutely anyone. You’ll be enjoying better WiFi in minutes.
User-friendly and completely secure WPS connectivity button for WPS-enabled modems means your sessions are safe from prying eyes.
Extend 5 Bar WiFi From Anywhere In Your Home
- Super-boost your WiFi range without costly ISP upgrades or additional monthly fees
- Provides a secure and stable internet connection for superior performance
- Designed with two powerful built-in antennas, dual LAN ports, and an easy-to-read signal strength indicator
- Perfectly portable for on-the-go use and ideal for hotels, business trips, or vacationing
What RangeXTD Customers Say

Salt Lake City, UT
I take a lot of business trips and I can't risk opening work emails on public WiFi. This lets me set up my own high-speed private connection anywhere. It's fantastic, I recommended it to everyone in my office.

Albuquerque, NM
Last year, my wife and I built a beautiful deck in our backyard. I tried using my laptop out there, but it was a total no-go. A friend suggested I try out RangeXTD, and boy am I glad I did. Now I can sit outside and watch Netflix, stream music, or whatever I want to do. I love it!

Minneapolis, MN
I've tried other WiFi boosters before, but unless I was standing right next to them, they barely made a difference. This is totally different!! I put one in my upstairs hallway and now the entire floor has a crazy-fast connection.
RangeXTD Is The Superior Solution For WiFi That's Frustratingly SLOW
Fantastic Features, Perfect Performance, Easy-To-Use